Kentaro MATSUI M.D./Ph.,D.

I am responsible for English speaking people every other Saturday. My aim is to provide appropriate treatment according to individual needs. Please feel free to contact me.
Dr. Matsui was born in Sado Island (Niigata prefecture) and raised in Yokohama. He graduated from the Faculty of Medicine of Tohoku University in 2009. He joined Department of Psychiatry at Tokyo Women’s Medical University in 2011 and trained to treat people with severe mental disorders.Additionally, since 2012, Dr. Matsui belongs to Yoyogi Sleep Disorder Center to treat a variety of sleep disorders.
『本当にわかる 精神科の薬 はじめの一歩』(共著)羊土社、2013
『抗不安薬プラクティカルガイド ―今だから知っておきたい正しい使い方』(共著)中外医学社、2015
『世界一簡単!成功脳の作り方 応用馬鹿学の法則35』(翻訳)SMART GATE Inc.、2015
『カプラン臨床精神医学テキスト 第3版 - DSM-5診断基準の臨床への展開 -』(共訳、“16 正常睡眠と睡眠-覚醒障害群.”を担当)メディカル・サイエンス・インターナショナル、2016

For international students, teachers, temporary workers, expatriates and their family who are having difficulty with everyday life in Japan. Not knowing what to do is the worse kind of suffering. Are you experiencing something like difficulty sleeping, loss of appetite, involuntary tears, etc? How about an overwhelming sense of "uncontrolability" which has been knocking you down despite your best efforts to feel otherwise? Please know that you are always welcome to come and visit us for a helping hand. For those who have undergone treatment in other countries, medical referrals are appreciated. We are looking forward to your brave visit!
Dr. Yu Shirai (“she-RYE”) is a board-certified psychiatrist qualified by the Japanese government. He provides psychiatric care for all international communities in English, Japanese and Portuguese. He is an American Field Service (AFS) returnee, has completed studies in the USA and Germany, and has visited over 40 countries with his treasured international friends from around the world.
Kohei Kishi M.D.

I mainly see English speaking patients on Thursdays. Let me help you having the peace of your mind.
Marisa Tsuchida M.D./Ph.,D.

I work on Mondays at the clinic. I am a specialist in internal medicine, graduated from the Peruvian University Cayetano Heredia and I have completed my residency in psychiatry at Keio University Hospital. I can attend to patients in Spanish, Portuguese, English, and Japanese. My postgraduate experience in Japan was in medical anthropology at Waseda University and my doctorate was in public health at the Tokyo Women’s Medical University on how health is affected by migration and isolation. I will be very happy to guide you in preventive, therapeutic, and support aspects for your mental health.